Sunday, 30 December 2012

Talofa Lava blogging world

Hello Blogging World :)

I've always wanted to start blogging and have finally grown the balls to start.

I'm not an english genius and will probably write blogs that don't have the most fantastic structure and/or a million grammatical errors. I'm not down with blogging slang or abbreviations but I'll make some up that you don't understand so we're in the same boat try to learn as I go.

Both my parents are of Samoan descent and I was born and raised in Otara, South Auckland, NZ. I'm 24 years old, married to the love of my life, mother to the most amazing 7 year old son and almost 5 months pregaroonies.

I've got a whole lot of New Years resolutions/things to do by the time I'm 30yrs... so I thought now was a good time to start complaining/venting about my struggles blogging about my progress. Here's a list of 'things I plan to get through over the next couple of years:

  • Finish writing 'For God so loved the Hood' - a Christian/Fantasy (those two genres don't sound right together :/) book about seven teenagers from Otara (my hometown aka the Promisedland) who go to war for the hood. They develop supernatural powers due to exposure to chemicals dumped in the Otara creek close to 'The Hole' where they hang out. The book is through the eyes of Zarley Alenisi, a 16 year old Samoan girl, who has a real love for God and longs to see her family and friends saved. Through the sacrifices Zarley and her friends make while fighting underground for the hood, many young people from South Auckland come to know Jesus.
    This is something very close to my heart as I have been trying to find a way I can share what Jesus has done not only for me but the entire human race. If I can help at least one person find refuge in the King of Kings, I'll know my life wasn't BFN (big for nothing).
    If you haven't noticed I'm very passionate about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whom I serve. I see it as my mission to let my community, Otara and South Auckland as a whole, know what Jesus did... 'For God so loved the Hood'. (Based on John 3:16)
    Getting this published is another story lol.
  • Complete a Family Tree for my kids - going back as far as I can. My mum's family, my dad's family and my husband's family. Like all pacific island families... our family is HUGE.
  • Finish reading the bible - I've read almost half of the bible but I'd like to read it from Genesis to Revelation. I'm actually really excited to get this one done :)
  • LOSE A WHOLE LOTTA WEIGHT - this is probably on every woman's list... unless your size unhealthy stick 0 and eat like a bird... but I'm far from it. Hopefully after my no.2  is born I'll be able to slim down to a healthier weight. I think by the time I'm full term my husband will be rolling me everywhere... hopefully that doesnt give away too much
  • Learn how to sew - I'd be able to make my own dresses and sell dresses to people and design a clothing line and open stores all over the world and attend fashion shows and model my own clothes and make maternity wear and send some to Kate Middleton and I'll have a matching set and... THE LIST GOES ON
  • Record a song - I'm a closet rapper... I tell people I just say poems really fast so they don't think I'm 'slanging rocks on the side' after work. But really... its rapping. I get a 'writer's block' when I try to write about anything other than my walk with Christ so please don't rush to your closest music store asking for the next Lil Kim.
Before I'm 30 list
  • Get qualified - I've been working in a government department for four years now and it's been awesome... but I want to get qualified. I'd love to be a teacher like my Mum OR a youth worker in Otara like my Dad OR something that would help me help others... I'll make my mind up sometime soon and hopefully start studying in in time for me to graduate by the time I'm 30, God willing :)
  • Learn how to speak Samoan fluently - My samoan has picked up slightly since meeting my husband but to a Samoan speaking samoan I'm about as plastic as your lunchbox. I've got 6 years to turn into 'a real girl.'
  • Have more-ish kids lol - I know I want more children and having one on the way means I'm sorta there, right? I guess whatever God's got planned for my little family will suffice. I know He wouldn't give me anything I can't handle.
  • Organise an outreach for Otara - sharing the gospel to my community... probably a back up plan if I can't get anyone to publish my book LOL, but its all about letting people know about Him. Once the message has been shared it's up to them to receive.
  • Go to the motherland - Samoa
Well that's me and I welcome you to join me on my blogging journey :)

Have a safe New Years.
Blessings in the King xx

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